Make it Right, Lower 9th Ward

The Make It Right Foundation is a response to the housing lost during Hurricane Katrina in the Lower 9th Ward which was the hardest hit with the most lives lost. Make It Right Focuses on Green Building in the areas of water conservation, improving energy-efficiency, using materials that healthy for humans and the environment and adapting design to the local environment to make the homes storm-resistant. These home designs are from architects all over the world. The first five images are information boards thats have been set up in the community to inform the public of the history and current situation.

Make it Right, Lower 9th Ward -- house of Robert Green

On our tour of Lower 9th Ward we met a man named Robert Green who had lost his mother, granddaughter and house to the levee break during Hurricane Katrina. Robert gave us a tour of his house and told us about the history of the Lower 9th before and after the hurricane. Robert also explained to us the significance and reasoning behind many of the Make It Right homes.
We gave Robert our contactinformation and sent us some links.
This is an amazing photo of Robert that won first prize in a compitition. The photo shows him on concrete steps that used to lead up to his old house before it was swept away.
The other link is an video interview with Robert on CNN.

A view from Robert's balcony.

Front of Robert's House.

Robert Green (on the far right) explains to us about the other houses in the neighbourhood from his balcony.

Trip To Tulane University

We were so hot and tired after walking around the Garden District and along a levee by the Mississippi river that we had to take a nap on the lawn of Tulane University. We had some time to kill before our meeting with Emilie Taylor. Emilie is the Senior Program Coordinator for the Tulane City Center and works with Scott Bernhard (Director) and Dan Etheridge (Associate Director). They have done a lot of interesting work which you can check out here.
Tulane City Center

Our architectural tour of New Orleans
2012: day1 - day2 - day3 - day4 - day5
2011:  day1(Bourbon St) - day2(French Quarter) - day3(CityBuild) - day4 (9th ward)  -  day5 (N.O. & Venice LA)
2010: shotgun houses - garden distr - cemetery - piazza d'italia - Botanical Gdn - CityBuild - hollygrove - 9th ward: #1 - #2 #3 - #4

We also had time to get a game of frisbee in.

Dave driving the streetcar.

Various buildings on the Tulane Campus

In New Orleans

We arrived into New Orleans, Louisiana yesterday. Current temperature is 31 C and feels like more. The food here is great and we were able to have some authentic food dishes such as Jambalaya and Gumbo last night. We will be here for a few days and hope to get some photos up soon.

Our architectural tour of New Orleans
2012: day1 - day2 - day3 - day4 - day5
2011:  day1(Bourbon St) - day2(French Quarter) - day3(CityBuild) - day4 (9th ward)  -  day5 (N.O. & Venice LA)
2010: shotgun houses - garden distr - cemetery - piazza d'italia - Botanical Gdn - CityBuild - hollygrove - 9th ward: #1 - #2 #3 - #4

Lamella In Chronicle Herald

The Chronicle Herald link I posted earlier about our lamella structure has been taken down from their website. Instead, here is the newspaper clipping.

Coastal Studio In The Media!

Currently, for our work on the lamella structure at Ross Creek Arts Centre we have been on Breakfast Television, The Chronicle Herald and most recently on Dal News. At the moment we are working on getting the Breakfast Television footage up on the blog. Check out the articles.
Chronicle Herald
Dalhousie News

Here are some photos from the Dal article by Marilyn Smulders

photos by Nick Pearce

The Crew!

This photo was taken for Dalhousie University while we were constructing the lamella. Photo courtesy of Nick Pearce.