Trip To Tulane University

We were so hot and tired after walking around the Garden District and along a levee by the Mississippi river that we had to take a nap on the lawn of Tulane University. We had some time to kill before our meeting with Emilie Taylor. Emilie is the Senior Program Coordinator for the Tulane City Center and works with Scott Bernhard (Director) and Dan Etheridge (Associate Director). They have done a lot of interesting work which you can check out here.
Tulane City Center

Our architectural tour of New Orleans
2012: day1 - day2 - day3 - day4 - day5
2011:  day1(Bourbon St) - day2(French Quarter) - day3(CityBuild) - day4 (9th ward)  -  day5 (N.O. & Venice LA)
2010: shotgun houses - garden distr - cemetery - piazza d'italia - Botanical Gdn - CityBuild - hollygrove - 9th ward: #1 - #2 #3 - #4

We also had time to get a game of frisbee in.

Dave driving the streetcar.

Various buildings on the Tulane Campus