Finished Lamella!!

We managed to have the outdoor dining hall (lamella) finished for opening ceremonies on Canada Day at 2pm. Even though we were working right up to almost the last minute, we finished. We also added a temporary slat walkway up to the lamella for visitors of Canada Day. There was cake cut under the lamella and a barbeque just off to the side. It felt great to have completed such a huge project and the turn out was quite impressive.
The image below is a clipping from the Chronicle Herald Newspaper published today, July 5th.

Nearly Completed Ross Creek Lamella

The Moiré effect which happens when two grids are overlaid at an angle or when they have slightly different mesh sizes.

Justin, you're so beautiful.

We ended up making the inner benches part of the lamella itself. In front of these benches will be tables and more benches on the other side designed by coastal studio as well.

Ross Creek Lamella

We are back in Ross Creek on the weekends completing the lamella in order to have it finished for Canada Day. Here are some updated photos as of the 21st of June. The perforated metal is being used to tie the structure together and give it more stability.

The Crew!

This photo was taken for Dalhousie University while we were constructing the lamella. Photo courtesy of Nick Pearce.