Rural Studio, 20K House, near Greensboro AL
This house was built by Rural Studio. We got wind of an opening of their new 20K house and went to see what it was like. We got to talk to some Rural Studio students at the opeing as well. A 20K home is built for lower income families and the premise behind these houses is that if a low income family can afford a twenty thousand dollar trailer then they can afford a 20K house.

Pie...I love Pie!! -- Greensboro AL
This was a very cool place is Greensboro called PieLab. I really wish there was one of these back in Halifax. It was started by two guys named Matt and Mark. In a nut shell the premise of the business is this:
Download Press Release
Pie + Conversation = Ideas / Ideas + Design = Positive Change
I think that this would do really well in Halifax.

This is the back of house where the graphoc designers work.

A stylish narrow bathroom.

The Pie, THE PIE!!!
Download Press Release
Pie + Conversation = Ideas / Ideas + Design = Positive Change
I think that this would do really well in Halifax.
This is the back of house where the graphoc designers work.
A stylish narrow bathroom.
These walls are on wheels and separate the front of the store from the back where meetings and designing happens. We had a great chat with Matt and Mark on the salvage wood table.
The Pie, THE PIE!!!
Rural Studio, Animal Shelter, near Greensboro AL
Rural Studio, Lions Park, Greensboro AL
Rural Studio, HERO Office, Greensboro AL
As written on their website:
"HERO works as a catalyst for community development in areas of the Alabama Black Belt to end rural poverty. As a non-profit housing resource center, HERO provides community resources and housing education. HERO began in 1994 by a group of committed citizens who wanted to create a strong community focused on family. HERO is a 501c3 non-profit organization."
The reason I've added this post is because Matt and Mark took us there which was down the street from PieLab. They are also starting up a new project just a little bit further down the street again called Project M: Think Wrong.