This was a very cool place is Greensboro called PieLab. I really wish there was one of these back in Halifax. It was started by two guys named Matt and Mark. In a nut shell the premise of the business is this:
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Pie + Conversation = Ideas / Ideas + Design = Positive Change
I think that this would do really well in Halifax.

This is the back of house where the graphoc designers work.

A stylish narrow bathroom.

The Pie, THE PIE!!!
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Pie + Conversation = Ideas / Ideas + Design = Positive Change
I think that this would do really well in Halifax.
This is the back of house where the graphoc designers work.
A stylish narrow bathroom.
These walls are on wheels and separate the front of the store from the back where meetings and designing happens. We had a great chat with Matt and Mark on the salvage wood table.
The Pie, THE PIE!!!