Seaside Florida
HOK, Dali Museum, Tampa
Frank Lloyd Wright, Florida Southern College, Lakeland
Paul Rudolph, Umbrella House, Sarasota
Frank Gehry, New World Symphony, Miami Beach
Margi Nothard, Girls' Club, Fort Lauterdale
Miami -- Bacardi Building, Heat game
Opening Day Pictures
one day to go
Opening Day
Friday, June 8 -- celebrating Oceans Day
hosts: Cheverie Crossway Salt Marsh Society
Coastal Studio, Dalhousie School of Architecture
Morning celebration -- with the children of Dr. Arthur Hines School
Rt. Hon. John MacDonell, Minister, Government of Nova Scotia
Hon. / L'hon. Kelvin K. Ogilvie C.M., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.C.I.C., H.col., Senator, Government of Canada
Hon. / L'hon. Scott Brison, Member of Parliament, Government of Canada
Richard Dauphinee - Warden, Municipality of West Hants
High tea served at the Avon Emporium, Hwy 215, Summerville
talks on tides, salt marsh ecology, timbrel vaults, camera obscuras
04:15 pm High Tide at the Cheverie Salt Marsh
guided tour
hosts: Cheverie Crossway Salt Marsh Society
Coastal Studio, Dalhousie School of Architecture
between each station :: trail walk -- teachers, scavenger hunt
station 1 :: salt marsh ecology -- Tony Bowron [trailhead]
station 2 :: environmental theatre -- Two Planks and a Passion [patio blocks below camera obscura]
station 3 :: sneak preview -- Coastal / Bowron [camera obscura]
station 3 :: sneak preview -- Coastal / Bowron [camera obscura]
station 4 :: bricks and shell architecture -- Coastal Studio [high trail, behind camera obscura]
station 5 :: environmental theatre -- Two Planks and a Passion [observatory]
station 6 :: salt marsh ecology -- Don Aldous [boardwalk bridge]
station 7 :: sketching observing -- Coastal Studio [trail at Acadian dyke]
station 8 :: using/making shoebox pinhole cameras -- [bird box by trailhead]
18 minutes each 7 minute rotation
09:30 / 09:55 / 10:20 first rotation - 3 stations
10:45 Low tide theatre (all convene on hillside to view the Bay)
celebration -- low tide -- Two Planks and a Passion Theatre
11:10 / 11:35 / 12:00 second rotation - 3 stations
12:25 pm lunch
Opening ceremony -- all invited
01:00 pm ribbon cuttingRt. Hon. John MacDonell, Minister, Government of Nova Scotia
Hon. / L'hon. Kelvin K. Ogilvie C.M., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.C.I.C., H.col., Senator, Government of Canada
Hon. / L'hon. Scott Brison, Member of Parliament, Government of Canada
Richard Dauphinee - Warden, Municipality of West Hants
Reed W. Allen, Council, Municipality of West Hants
Christine Macy, Dean, Dalhousie University
Afternoon celebration -- all invited
02:00 pm High Tide High TeaHigh tea served at the Avon Emporium, Hwy 215, Summerville
talks on tides, salt marsh ecology, timbrel vaults, camera obscuras
04:15 pm High Tide at the Cheverie Salt Marsh
guided tour
tides for opening day |
two days until opening
What a team -- everyone is working at a different task and it is all coming together. Sam, Chris and Cale are back at school making the camera housing (we didn't mention that the lens arrived but the focal length was shorter than labelled). The rest of us are laying sod and laying terrazzo with the help of Alan McLean who is showing us how (and doing a lot of the work).
and there was that moment when we realized that the stones were not white and we started sorting them.
a new floor
Getting Close
Coastal Studio 2012
timbrel vault -- details
The bricks are being cleaned of mortar spatter (some of the extra mortar shows our amateur status) with wire brush grinder attachments and acid concrete cleaner. There are details to ensure water control. At the exterior base of the vault, we are adding slope to the concrete, covering with flashing recessed into the brick wall, all buried under the ground. On the low side of the big and medium vault a masonry gutter directs water to the ground. The up hill slope will be planted in willow.
Timbrel Vault - removing the tarps
Coastal Studio 2012
We return to construction April 16. We will start on brick tiling the floor and install the camera obscura.
As of May 7, there will be more of us revisiting old projects and starting on the design of two new projects: prototype construction for a winter camp building at Ross Creek Arts Centre and another prototype for treehouse accommodation at Fundy National Park.
As of May 7, there will be more of us revisiting old projects and starting on the design of two new projects: prototype construction for a winter camp building at Ross Creek Arts Centre and another prototype for treehouse accommodation at Fundy National Park.
Timbrel Vault - removing the scaffolds
Today we placed the last bricks for the year and took down the scaffold. we all stood back and looked. The shell will be protected for the winter, and next April will be cleaned, outfitted with the camera, floored and landscaped. The official opening will be Oceans Day, June 8 with some previews in May.
Timbrel Vault -- structure complete
The first week of November and there are still six of us - Ted, Max, Ryan, Ryan, Marc, and Brandon - working on the shell. The weather is holding with sun, above freezing at night, and warm days. The last of the interior guide work has been removed -- it is now a complete structure. We are trimming the exposed edges, filling the cracks in the mortar joints, and generally getting ready for winter.