Friday, June 8 -- celebrating Oceans Day
hosts: Cheverie Crossway Salt Marsh Society
Coastal Studio, Dalhousie School of Architecture
Morning celebration -- with the children of Dr. Arthur Hines School
Rt. Hon. John MacDonell, Minister, Government of Nova Scotia
Hon. / L'hon. Kelvin K. Ogilvie C.M., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.C.I.C., H.col., Senator, Government of Canada
Hon. / L'hon. Scott Brison, Member of Parliament, Government of Canada
Richard Dauphinee - Warden, Municipality of West Hants
High tea served at the Avon Emporium, Hwy 215, Summerville
talks on tides, salt marsh ecology, timbrel vaults, camera obscuras
04:15 pm High Tide at the Cheverie Salt Marsh
guided tour
hosts: Cheverie Crossway Salt Marsh Society
Coastal Studio, Dalhousie School of Architecture
between each station :: trail walk -- teachers, scavenger hunt
station 1 :: salt marsh ecology -- Tony Bowron [trailhead]
station 2 :: environmental theatre -- Two Planks and a Passion [patio blocks below camera obscura]
station 3 :: sneak preview -- Coastal / Bowron [camera obscura]
station 3 :: sneak preview -- Coastal / Bowron [camera obscura]
station 4 :: bricks and shell architecture -- Coastal Studio [high trail, behind camera obscura]
station 5 :: environmental theatre -- Two Planks and a Passion [observatory]
station 6 :: salt marsh ecology -- Don Aldous [boardwalk bridge]
station 7 :: sketching observing -- Coastal Studio [trail at Acadian dyke]
station 8 :: using/making shoebox pinhole cameras -- [bird box by trailhead]
18 minutes each 7 minute rotation
09:30 / 09:55 / 10:20 first rotation - 3 stations
10:45 Low tide theatre (all convene on hillside to view the Bay)
celebration -- low tide -- Two Planks and a Passion Theatre
11:10 / 11:35 / 12:00 second rotation - 3 stations
12:25 pm lunch
Opening ceremony -- all invited
01:00 pm ribbon cuttingRt. Hon. John MacDonell, Minister, Government of Nova Scotia
Hon. / L'hon. Kelvin K. Ogilvie C.M., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.C.I.C., H.col., Senator, Government of Canada
Hon. / L'hon. Scott Brison, Member of Parliament, Government of Canada
Richard Dauphinee - Warden, Municipality of West Hants
Reed W. Allen, Council, Municipality of West Hants
Christine Macy, Dean, Dalhousie University
Afternoon celebration -- all invited
02:00 pm High Tide High TeaHigh tea served at the Avon Emporium, Hwy 215, Summerville
talks on tides, salt marsh ecology, timbrel vaults, camera obscuras
04:15 pm High Tide at the Cheverie Salt Marsh
guided tour
tides for opening day |