Day 14 - Atlanta -- Scogin Elam -- Tardio -- High Art

In Atlanta we visited the office of Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects, and were given a great tour. The office works on a lot of innovative contemporary projects, using models as their main design tools. The have also done very well in many international competitions. We also visited one of their buildings - the Buckhead Library - but it wasn't open. 
After leaving their office we went to the High Museum of Art, designed by Richard Meier and Renzo Piano. 
Our last visit of the day was to Carlos Tardio and his partner Mary Claire DeReuil. They showed us around a custom house they had been working on and pointed us towards a few of their other projects.

MSME models

Buckhead Library

Buckhead Library Siding

High Museum of Art

High Museum of Art Ceiling

Carlos Tardio House
Carlos Tardio House

Carlos Tardio House

Carlos Tardio House

Scogin Elam, Clayton County Headquarters Library, Atlanta GA

The Clayton County Library was also designed by Scogin Elam Architects. that cow print on the building?
Gotta love the moo-cow print.

Even though the library was closed because of the holiday, we ran into the head librarian and here son who were bringing in some supplies around the back of the building. They were very nice and said that we could look around inside the buildings while she was there.