Day 8 - Lafayette

On our last day in Lafayette we took a boat tour, unfortunately the water was too high for us to catch a glimpse of any alligators. Afterwards we went to check out the St. Landry Parish Visitor Information Center, where we set off an alarm and ended up meeting a couple of police officers.


Day 7 - Lafayette

In the morning we met at the Begneaud factory for a tour of their precision sheet metal plant. Afterwards we met up with Joel Breaux to have a look at the house he and his wife Lisa have been working on for the past few years - it had some amazing details and customizations, and will be published as soon as it is completed for everyone to have a look at. Next we met up with Ed Cazayoux to tour the Nature Conservancy and his home. We spent the evening at Downtown Live and at dinner with Joel and Lisa.

Begneaud Machinery

Ed's House

Day 6 - Lafayette

After driving to Lafayette we stopped for lunch at Artmosphere, then met up with Onezieme Mouton from the University of Louisiana Lafayette, to take a look at the Beau Soleil House the school had designed. He put us in touch with Stephen Ortego, who was working on a project called Eco-Lafayette that we had seen on our way into town, and we got a tour. 

National Wetlands Research Center

Beau Soleil House

Eco-Lafayette Interior
