The site of the pavilion overlooks a recently reclaimed salt marsh. The marsh is flooded during high tide, when water from the Bay of Fundy rushes through a culvert from across the road.
The site |
Ryan and Vero on the walking trail |
Members of the community's Salt Marsh Restoration Society have been building walking trails along the marsh and working towards building a discovery centre, which the camera obscura will be part of. The hope is that this will bring tourists to the region and allow them to witness the 50 foot tidal range.
Coastal studio arrived on site on May 3 to begin laying out the plan of the pavilion. Most of the week was spent re-working the design and figuring out details of the slab.
We took a break to go see a church being floated across the bay at high tide. We just missed the church being loaded onto the ferry, but were able to catch a look at it from a distance.
Back on site we began laying out forms for the keys that would be suspended in the formwork. The keys will eventually be the base for the walls of the structure.