Mi-Carême Begins: Excavation, Foundations, Pressure treated Structure And Junk Yard Explorations

These photos are just outside the Mi-Careme Centre in Cheticamp, Nova Scotia. Half of our class is there right now designing and building and new sign for the the centre.
On their website, the Cheticamp Tourist Centre describes Mi-Careme as such.

"For our ancestors, Lent was a time of sacrifice during which time no amusement of any kind was permitted. In order to have a break from the monotony of this 40 day period, on the Thursday marking the exact half time of Lent, people began to disguise themselves and go from house to house while trying to keep their identity a secret. The householders would try to guess who was behind the mask and costume. With time, the Mi-Carême was extended to cover the whole third week of Lent. The festivities now begin on Sunday with an evening called "Laissons entrer les mi-carêmes"(Let the mi-carêmes in), which takes place in the community centre.. The evening consists of musical entertainment, dancing, goodies, and of course, mi-carêmes!. The Mi-Carême is officially started!. We "run" the Mi-Carême every day and every night of that week and the whole thing comes to a close with another social evening on Saturday night."